Comic books!
Okay, for those of you not "in the know," new comic books come out every Wednesday, (unless there is a national holiday Sunday-Wednesday, in which case they're pushed back). This means that Wednesday is usually a really good day for me. Last week we had the 4th of July, but not only were books pushed back a day, but Mike (this will probably be the only time I ever explain that "Mike" owns the comic book store I buy from. From now on whenever I say Mike, I will either say Mike (comics) or Mike (boss), and you can figure out who I'm talking about)... So anyways, since it was 4th of July, Mike (comics) was closing down the store to go on a family vacation, so I had to wait a full week for new things. Which was actually really freaking awesome, because yesterday I got 2 weeks worth of issues.
Also, another fyi for you non-comic readers: Summer is as awesome at the comic book stand as it is at the movie theatre. Big titles, crossovers, & events are scheduled from late May to early September, and this year is no different.
Over at Marvel, we've got "House of M." Basic stoyline: Last year, Scarlet Witch lost her grip on reality, seeming as how her mutant power lets her CHANGE reality. So she had a mental breakdown and in the wake of it, "Disassembled" the Avengers, killing three of them and causing a big enough raucous that the group disbands. After her collapse, Magneto, who GASP! isn't dead! comes to collect her body and see if he can make her better. Well, he can't. Heck, Charles Xavier even can't. So, we have a big pow-wow with all the XMen and the New Avengers as to what to do about her. But, before a decision gets made, everything fades to white... and a new reality is born, the "House of M."
Here, Spider-Man is a national celebrity, Dr. Doom leads the Fantastic Four, mutants run the political and economic environment of the world, and Jean Grey is still dead (just in case you were wondering). Marvel's summer event focuses on what it would take to make each of its major characters truly happy, (or at least, content enough not to ask too many questions), as spin offs in about every one of its Non-Ultimate titles. The idea isn't that the world is a Utopia, but it's good enough for the "heroes" that none of them want to more closely examine that little something inside of them that says something is off.
That is, everyone of course except Mr. Marvel himself. Yup, Logan knows something is off, and it's up to him to save, or fix, or change, or restore, or whatever... the universe. The big mystery is supposed to be about whether or not the changed universe was intentional, and if it was, who's behind it: Scarlet With, or Magneto. Of course, for me, the big mystery is, when will Marvel stop pretending and just start calling it "The Wolverine Universe." I mean seriously, the guy was on about 5 or 6 "New Avengers" covers before he even appeared INSIDE of one.
On to DC, my original love.
This summer's "Countdown to Infinite Crisis" keeps building up more and more hype. Lots of hype. I hate to use the word "hype," because it usually implies a build up to something that's a let down. We shall see. DC is obviously playing off the monumental "Crisis on Infinite Earths" from the 80s, but whether or not this delivers the same punch is yet to be seen. COIE totally changed the way the DC Universe operated. It made the entire DC portfolio of characters able to exist and interact with each other. Whether or not Countdown will have similarly long-lasting impact and meeting will be seen in September, but for now, it has produced a couple titles I'm digging.
Wonder Woman's original protege, Donna Troy, is coming back (big surprise). The event started with an examination of her new life with the Gods of New Croius (or whatever), and has now finally reuinted her, (althought currently delusional and rather hostile), with her former teamates in Outsiders and Teen Titans. Meanwhile, the JSA have been valiantly fighting the Spectre and an Eclipso-possessed Jean Loring. This has been tying into "Days of Vengence" which has been my favorite of the Countdown titles. It involves the Spectre (God's instrument of Vengence) being seduced by Eclipso-ized Jean Loring(Force of Chaotic Retribution/disgruntles housewife and divorcee), into trying to destroy all magic-users in the DV Universe. So far, they've been fairly successful.
Villains United is my next favorite. It follows the "Secret Six," the only supervillains willing to stand up to Luthor and his evil Society. This issue, the Secret Six were tortured/interrogated by the society, only to have Catman get all stabbity with Captain Nazi (I'm fairly certain that really is his name) and, more specifically his eyeballs. Those of you not fond of seeing a handful of hypodermic needles jabbed into each eye socket should probably skip this issue. We'll just say the 6 made a successful escape.
In other news, Superman's gone off his rocker. It's been indicated that it is most likely Maxwell Lord using his mind control powers on him. So far, we have seen him thinking he has been fighting Brainiac and Darkseid for the lives of his loved ones, and when he finally comes to, he has been Batman into a bloody pulp. The only thing that I have against Omac Project is....MAXWELL LORD?!?!?! I keep looking to see if I can't find more recent references to him. Originally, he was the financial patron of the Justice League, then took a more backseat role, then got some kind of funky brain cancer, then controled by robot, then got turned into a robot, and then was killed. Now, this wouldn't be the first time a good guy went bad. Or the first time somebody that was thought dead showed up not dead any more without much of an explanation. But I'm fairly certain this is the first time both have occurred simulaneously with the same character. Oh well, it made JLA: Classified that much more enjoyable, to see Maxwell Lord hanging out with (and not murdering) Blue Bettle. If anyone can clear up what Lord's been up to more recently, PLEASE let me know.
So anyways, there's your rundown (sorta) of yesterday's comic run. I haven't read most of the House of M ones, b/c I'm going to be spending some time this weekend in airplanes & airports, and wanted to give myself something fun to do.
Also, another fyi for you non-comic readers: Summer is as awesome at the comic book stand as it is at the movie theatre. Big titles, crossovers, & events are scheduled from late May to early September, and this year is no different.
Over at Marvel, we've got "House of M." Basic stoyline: Last year, Scarlet Witch lost her grip on reality, seeming as how her mutant power lets her CHANGE reality. So she had a mental breakdown and in the wake of it, "Disassembled" the Avengers, killing three of them and causing a big enough raucous that the group disbands. After her collapse, Magneto, who GASP! isn't dead! comes to collect her body and see if he can make her better. Well, he can't. Heck, Charles Xavier even can't. So, we have a big pow-wow with all the XMen and the New Avengers as to what to do about her. But, before a decision gets made, everything fades to white... and a new reality is born, the "House of M."
Here, Spider-Man is a national celebrity, Dr. Doom leads the Fantastic Four, mutants run the political and economic environment of the world, and Jean Grey is still dead (just in case you were wondering). Marvel's summer event focuses on what it would take to make each of its major characters truly happy, (or at least, content enough not to ask too many questions), as spin offs in about every one of its Non-Ultimate titles. The idea isn't that the world is a Utopia, but it's good enough for the "heroes" that none of them want to more closely examine that little something inside of them that says something is off.
That is, everyone of course except Mr. Marvel himself. Yup, Logan knows something is off, and it's up to him to save, or fix, or change, or restore, or whatever... the universe. The big mystery is supposed to be about whether or not the changed universe was intentional, and if it was, who's behind it: Scarlet With, or Magneto. Of course, for me, the big mystery is, when will Marvel stop pretending and just start calling it "The Wolverine Universe." I mean seriously, the guy was on about 5 or 6 "New Avengers" covers before he even appeared INSIDE of one.
On to DC, my original love.
This summer's "Countdown to Infinite Crisis" keeps building up more and more hype. Lots of hype. I hate to use the word "hype," because it usually implies a build up to something that's a let down. We shall see. DC is obviously playing off the monumental "Crisis on Infinite Earths" from the 80s, but whether or not this delivers the same punch is yet to be seen. COIE totally changed the way the DC Universe operated. It made the entire DC portfolio of characters able to exist and interact with each other. Whether or not Countdown will have similarly long-lasting impact and meeting will be seen in September, but for now, it has produced a couple titles I'm digging.
Wonder Woman's original protege, Donna Troy, is coming back (big surprise). The event started with an examination of her new life with the Gods of New Croius (or whatever), and has now finally reuinted her, (althought currently delusional and rather hostile), with her former teamates in Outsiders and Teen Titans. Meanwhile, the JSA have been valiantly fighting the Spectre and an Eclipso-possessed Jean Loring. This has been tying into "Days of Vengence" which has been my favorite of the Countdown titles. It involves the Spectre (God's instrument of Vengence) being seduced by Eclipso-ized Jean Loring(Force of Chaotic Retribution/disgruntles housewife and divorcee), into trying to destroy all magic-users in the DV Universe. So far, they've been fairly successful.
Villains United is my next favorite. It follows the "Secret Six," the only supervillains willing to stand up to Luthor and his evil Society. This issue, the Secret Six were tortured/interrogated by the society, only to have Catman get all stabbity with Captain Nazi (I'm fairly certain that really is his name) and, more specifically his eyeballs. Those of you not fond of seeing a handful of hypodermic needles jabbed into each eye socket should probably skip this issue. We'll just say the 6 made a successful escape.
In other news, Superman's gone off his rocker. It's been indicated that it is most likely Maxwell Lord using his mind control powers on him. So far, we have seen him thinking he has been fighting Brainiac and Darkseid for the lives of his loved ones, and when he finally comes to, he has been Batman into a bloody pulp. The only thing that I have against Omac Project is....MAXWELL LORD?!?!?! I keep looking to see if I can't find more recent references to him. Originally, he was the financial patron of the Justice League, then took a more backseat role, then got some kind of funky brain cancer, then controled by robot, then got turned into a robot, and then was killed. Now, this wouldn't be the first time a good guy went bad. Or the first time somebody that was thought dead showed up not dead any more without much of an explanation. But I'm fairly certain this is the first time both have occurred simulaneously with the same character. Oh well, it made JLA: Classified that much more enjoyable, to see Maxwell Lord hanging out with (and not murdering) Blue Bettle. If anyone can clear up what Lord's been up to more recently, PLEASE let me know.
So anyways, there's your rundown (sorta) of yesterday's comic run. I haven't read most of the House of M ones, b/c I'm going to be spending some time this weekend in airplanes & airports, and wanted to give myself something fun to do.
Stabbing eyeballs is gross and scary
heythisisval, at 7:42 PM
Yeah, I went ahead and read that one so I wouldn't have to bring it this weekend. I didn't want you looking over my shoulder or pulling it out and reading it.
~!*~^~*!~, at 10:30 PM
I love you
heythisisval, at 12:08 AM
Joy :-)
Also, the lengthy comic book tirade is you'll kinda know what's going on in the issues I brought for you to read. (k)
~!*~^~*!~, at 12:45 AM
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