Geek vs. Nerd

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Hear comes the groom, skinny as a...

Okay, so I didn't say anything about the nifty weekend I had with my girlfriend. Running through airports carrying 2 suitcases and a backpack is not that hard, unless you're also trying to follow someone who's idea of "leading" is "wait for someone else to show me where to go." I'm fairly certain if I hadn't made her give me the tickets, she would have tried to leave me. No exaggeration: We're in the Atlanta airport, trying to get to our concourse, and we find the tram that goes to concourse C. She is standing in front of me, just standing there, as people rush onto the tram. Once the doors start closing, she waits a fraction of a second, then bolts in, making it just in time to have the doors slam in my face. Good times.

But anyways, the trip there I got told hold my girlfriends hair back as she used the little doggy bags (no, not for the onboard Easter Egg hunt). There's just something about holding a paper sack full of your loved one's vomit that just creates a bond beyond words. And by "bond" I mean "bitterness that she wouldn't take the danged dramamine." But we got there okay with all of our luggage, if not a few ounces a lighter.

Friday night was fun. I was assigned to stay in the same hotel room her brother (SF) was, and didn't wreak nearly the havok you probably thought I would. While he was worrying about all the things that might go wrong, Lance I and began to see who could come up with the worst "worst case scenario" possible. I think we finally tied when he hypothesized that the wedding could be struck by a massive tornado, and all those in attendence could be crushed underneath the wreakage of the demolished church, only to have our minds still active, but our bodies totally destroyed, living out the rest of our days as vegetables, a constant burden to our families with no way to interact with the outside world. Mine was that maybe Amy would turn out to be a transvestite. At that point we decided to stop the game.

I would like to think that later in the evening I was a bit more supportive. While he was fretting and tossing and turning and moaning about "what if, what if, what if" etc, worried that he and Amy might be making a terrible mistake, I asked him, "SF, what's the most important thing in your life righr now?" He responded, "Um, God." So I asked, "And what's the second most important thing in your life?" Without hestitating, "Amy." "Relax," I said, "You'll be fine." (Joey gave me commendation later on for having my first positive interaction with SF in the 3 years we've known each other).

On further contemplation, I may have been over simplifying the situation. Yes, marraige is forever. Yes, this was a strict covenant between God, SF, and Amy, and yes, it was going to affect the rest of their lives. Perhaps they aren't "right" for each other. Maybe they don't know "everything" about each other. Maybe they forgot to tell each other that Amy releases half her weight in methane each night while she sleeps and SF thinks cultivating CDC-banned mold cultures in his shower is a viable hobby. But in my, under-experienced, technically-single, never-been-married, immature view of marraige, as long as each member makes his/her first responsibility to God, and second to their spouse, everything else can be taken care of in its time.

Of course, I pray that's the way it is. Otherwise, my longest romantic relationship would only last as long as my first spoken sentence to the other person.

#2 on my amusing interactions with SF came when one of his best men, who has been married for about 2 years, was trying to give him some actual helpful, experienced advise: "Always argue naked." While he was trying to line up all the reasons (some serious, some not) why this was a viable means of conflict resolution, I just could not see the benefit of it. While he was in the midst of explaining how it would change your perspective on the situation, I simply noted, "That's ridiculous. You can't argue with a naked angry woman. At least, no man is ever gonna WIN an argument with a naked woman. He'll just end up distracted and then desperate to agree with anything, so long as she'll stay naked." SF turned to me and said, "How do YOU know?" I just responded, "Don't worry, your sister has never been that angry with me." To his credit, he did not throw anything at me that was technically hotel property.

The wedding itself was just lovely. I wish I could remember the name of the college, because it had the most beautiful campus I've been to, (and that's including Amy became a Christian while in school, so she opted to have the ceremony at the campus chapel. The chapel itself had beautiful large stain-glass windows which, despite being tinted like an Easter-candy induced hallucination, filled the room with glorious sunlight (sorry, feeling a bit melodramatic). The ceremony was very.... well.... ceremonial, how about that? That's a good term for it. Imagine a wedding ceremony were there is no flower girl, ring bearer, or "speak now or forever hold your peace" just so that there are fewer ways the ceremony could not go picture perfect. Well, it was very picture perfect. Except of course for the candle up on the altar that was left from some as-of-yet-unidentified ceremony the night before. It was a rainbow-colored ankh. Nobody noticed it 'til the ceremony had already started. :-)

In any case, my girlfriend read her passage from Luke loud and clear where everyone could hear, and there was much rejoicing. And there was much receptioning. I swear though, if any of you are ever at my wedding, PLEASE make it a party. The actual wedding can be a little slow on the excitement factor, but I don't think I heard anyone laughing in a loudish manner at the reception besides Joey and myself, and, well... that just doesn't count.

Anyways, if I was to recount all the horror stories of things I did to poor SF this past weekend, you would probably deny you ever knew me. Of course, if you DON'T know me and just read through this whole blog for the heck of it:
A) you're really weird
B) get a life
C) if you want to know more, just post a comment and I'll fill you in :-)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Comic books!

Okay, for those of you not "in the know," new comic books come out every Wednesday, (unless there is a national holiday Sunday-Wednesday, in which case they're pushed back). This means that Wednesday is usually a really good day for me. Last week we had the 4th of July, but not only were books pushed back a day, but Mike (this will probably be the only time I ever explain that "Mike" owns the comic book store I buy from. From now on whenever I say Mike, I will either say Mike (comics) or Mike (boss), and you can figure out who I'm talking about)... So anyways, since it was 4th of July, Mike (comics) was closing down the store to go on a family vacation, so I had to wait a full week for new things. Which was actually really freaking awesome, because yesterday I got 2 weeks worth of issues.

Also, another fyi for you non-comic readers: Summer is as awesome at the comic book stand as it is at the movie theatre. Big titles, crossovers, & events are scheduled from late May to early September, and this year is no different.

Over at Marvel, we've got "House of M." Basic stoyline: Last year, Scarlet Witch lost her grip on reality, seeming as how her mutant power lets her CHANGE reality. So she had a mental breakdown and in the wake of it, "Disassembled" the Avengers, killing three of them and causing a big enough raucous that the group disbands. After her collapse, Magneto, who GASP! isn't dead! comes to collect her body and see if he can make her better. Well, he can't. Heck, Charles Xavier even can't. So, we have a big pow-wow with all the XMen and the New Avengers as to what to do about her. But, before a decision gets made, everything fades to white... and a new reality is born, the "House of M."

Here, Spider-Man is a national celebrity, Dr. Doom leads the Fantastic Four, mutants run the political and economic environment of the world, and Jean Grey is still dead (just in case you were wondering). Marvel's summer event focuses on what it would take to make each of its major characters truly happy, (or at least, content enough not to ask too many questions), as spin offs in about every one of its Non-Ultimate titles. The idea isn't that the world is a Utopia, but it's good enough for the "heroes" that none of them want to more closely examine that little something inside of them that says something is off.

That is, everyone of course except Mr. Marvel himself. Yup, Logan knows something is off, and it's up to him to save, or fix, or change, or restore, or whatever... the universe. The big mystery is supposed to be about whether or not the changed universe was intentional, and if it was, who's behind it: Scarlet With, or Magneto. Of course, for me, the big mystery is, when will Marvel stop pretending and just start calling it "The Wolverine Universe." I mean seriously, the guy was on about 5 or 6 "New Avengers" covers before he even appeared INSIDE of one.

On to DC, my original love.
This summer's "Countdown to Infinite Crisis" keeps building up more and more hype. Lots of hype. I hate to use the word "hype," because it usually implies a build up to something that's a let down. We shall see. DC is obviously playing off the monumental "Crisis on Infinite Earths" from the 80s, but whether or not this delivers the same punch is yet to be seen. COIE totally changed the way the DC Universe operated. It made the entire DC portfolio of characters able to exist and interact with each other. Whether or not Countdown will have similarly long-lasting impact and meeting will be seen in September, but for now, it has produced a couple titles I'm digging.

Wonder Woman's original protege, Donna Troy, is coming back (big surprise). The event started with an examination of her new life with the Gods of New Croius (or whatever), and has now finally reuinted her, (althought currently delusional and rather hostile), with her former teamates in Outsiders and Teen Titans. Meanwhile, the JSA have been valiantly fighting the Spectre and an Eclipso-possessed Jean Loring. This has been tying into "Days of Vengence" which has been my favorite of the Countdown titles. It involves the Spectre (God's instrument of Vengence) being seduced by Eclipso-ized Jean Loring(Force of Chaotic Retribution/disgruntles housewife and divorcee), into trying to destroy all magic-users in the DV Universe. So far, they've been fairly successful.

Villains United is my next favorite. It follows the "Secret Six," the only supervillains willing to stand up to Luthor and his evil Society. This issue, the Secret Six were tortured/interrogated by the society, only to have Catman get all stabbity with Captain Nazi (I'm fairly certain that really is his name) and, more specifically his eyeballs. Those of you not fond of seeing a handful of hypodermic needles jabbed into each eye socket should probably skip this issue. We'll just say the 6 made a successful escape.

In other news, Superman's gone off his rocker. It's been indicated that it is most likely Maxwell Lord using his mind control powers on him. So far, we have seen him thinking he has been fighting Brainiac and Darkseid for the lives of his loved ones, and when he finally comes to, he has been Batman into a bloody pulp. The only thing that I have against Omac Project is....MAXWELL LORD?!?!?! I keep looking to see if I can't find more recent references to him. Originally, he was the financial patron of the Justice League, then took a more backseat role, then got some kind of funky brain cancer, then controled by robot, then got turned into a robot, and then was killed. Now, this wouldn't be the first time a good guy went bad. Or the first time somebody that was thought dead showed up not dead any more without much of an explanation. But I'm fairly certain this is the first time both have occurred simulaneously with the same character. Oh well, it made JLA: Classified that much more enjoyable, to see Maxwell Lord hanging out with (and not murdering) Blue Bettle. If anyone can clear up what Lord's been up to more recently, PLEASE let me know.

So anyways, there's your rundown (sorta) of yesterday's comic run. I haven't read most of the House of M ones, b/c I'm going to be spending some time this weekend in airplanes & airports, and wanted to give myself something fun to do.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

WoW won't let me log in

So usually when I'm exceedingly bored, I log onto the World of Warcraft forums and harass people on there, but Blizzard has released a new patch and, true to form, brought their servers down. I'm not complaining though. I was just able to get a GM override to gain leadership over my guild. That means I now have full administrative rights over "Vote for Pedro." All those interested in joining, post a comment here! :-D I'm rather excited since our previous "leaders" haven't logged in since March.

Also, I'm very proud of myself for NOT going into catatonic convulsions. Mike (the guy who owns the comic book shop I frequent) was closed last week for a silly "family vacation" revolving around the 4th of July. Pssssh. Whatever. So tomorrow, I will get 2 whole weeks of comic books all at once! It's a good time I'm gonna have some plane time on Friday. I hope I can wait 'til then to read them, otherwise I'm likely to explode.

Latest Tests

Part Freaky Kisser

When you kiss, you want to experience something new
A new technique, a new partner, a new piercing...
And your own personal kissing style is very unpredictable
There's no saying where your tongue or hands will go

Part Playful Kisser

Kissing is a huge game for you, a way to flirt and play
You're the first one to suggest playing spin the bottle at a party
Or you'll go for the wild kiss during a game of truth or dare
And you're up for kissing any sexy stranger if the mood is right!

Your Kissing Purity Score: 37% Pure

You're not one to kiss and tell...

But word is, you kiss pretty well.

Not the I'm particularly surprised, but I do feel a bit tawdry. Oh well.

You Are 69% American
Most times you are proud to be an American.
Though sometimes the good ole US of A makes you cringe
Still, you know there's no place better suited to be your home.
You love your freedom and no one's going to take it away from you!

P... Phosphorous
You scored 45 Mass, 42 Electronegativity, 50 Metal, and 70 Radioactivity!

You're high energy... really high. Unfortunately, you don't always put
your energy to calm constructive use and sometimes let it all out in
intense bursts. If your energy can be harnessed however, you will
produce truly great things. I suggest you take up a job that runs you
ragged... like opening and closing a Sodium-Potassium pump. Socially
you ought to hang with a crowd that is even more social than you. If
you don't, well... all those people who spontaneously combusted
throughout history... you guessed it, phosphorous people who didn't
have enough to occupy themselves. When picking friends make sure most
of them rated high on the electronegativity scale... Chlorines, Oxygens
and whatnot.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 80% on Electroneg
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You scored higher than 43% on Metal
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You scored higher than 92% on Radioactivity
Link: The Which Chemical Element Am I Test written by effataigus on OkCupid Free Online Dating

Your Summer Anthem is Speed of Sound by Coldplay

All that noise, and all that sound,
All those places I got found.
And birds go flying at the speed of sound,
to show you how it all began.

You're out of your mind this summer, in a good way.

You Are 17 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

You Know You're From Arkansas When...

"Vacation" means goin' through Harrison on the way to Branson.

Down South, to you, means Louisiana.

You have no problem spelling or pronouncin' Ouachita or Possum Grape.

You know what Toad Suck and Booger Holler are.

Your idea of a really great tenderloin is when the meat is twice as big as the bun and comes with cole slaw on top.

You say catty-wampus and tumped over.

You know the difference between a deer dog, a duck dog and a coon dog by the way they bark.

Pulaski County is considered a foreign or exotic place.

You consider being a "Beef Queen" an honor.

You faithfully drink Pepsi, Mt. Dew, or Dr. Pepper everyday of your life.

You know what a "cow drop" is.

You have your own secret bbq sauce.

You know how to snipe hunt.

You or your neighbors have more hunting dogs than you have family members.

You visit the Arkansas State Fair mainly to see your neighbor's prize chicken.

You've been invited to or had a bunkin' party.

You abhor homosexuality, but love "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy."

You'd rather be No. 1 in football than No. 1 in education.

You think that recycling means riding your bike down the same old path.

You think orange barrels are really part of the interstate system.

When the forecast calls for an inch of snow, you run out with all the other crazies to stand in line for three hours to buy a month's worth of groceries.

You drink sweet iced tea out of a sports bottle.

Your traditional Thanksgiving dinner is a deep-fried turkey.

You call a shopping cart a buggy.

You see "No Hunting" signs are riddled with bullet holes.

You think "Animal House" is the training film for incoming athletes at the University of Arkansas

The three food groups are Velveeta, pork rinds and a six-pack.

Everyone you think of as a "liberal" is either Methodist or Catholic.

You think that Bill Clinton is a lyin', cheatin' sumbitch, but you'd still vote for him again in a heartbeat because he's OUR lyin' cheatin' sumbitch.

You've "offered" someone an "ass-whoopin'. " (

When you give directions they include "over yonder," "down the road a piece," and "right near."

You're not commitment-phobic: you love God, guns and football.

You'd rather have a Budweiser beer museum than a presidential library.

You think pinto beans are nekkid without hamhocks, cornbread and buttermilk.

Sweet milk and torn up biscuits in a glass is your favorite dessert.

You think bagels are nothing but a cruel doughnut joke invented by some Yankee!

You eat at Senor Tequila's for atmosphere and Lolita's Tex-Mex for salsa.

You say, "I voted for Clinton to get him out of the state."

You own three cars and one license plate.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Arkansas.

You Know You're Addicted to Video Games When...

Your wife tells you that you are, and you two kids; Mario, and Sonic; agree with her.

Whenever something bad happens you reach for the pause button.

You can microwave and eat a pizza pop using only your feet.

You've spent so much time playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 -- you actually taught youself how to skateboard.

You've worn out the buttons in the elevator of your apartment.

The only joystick you play with anymore is plugged in to your Xbox.

You've decided you won't go outside anymore due to the 'tacky graphics, poor sound and low playability.'

You've moved your PS2 into the bathroom -- just in case you make it to the next level on Vice City.

Your hands are so gnarled from gripping the controller, you can't even tie your shoes.

You ask your doctor how many lives you have left.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to video games.

Get Your Own Addicted Meme Here

More cool things for your blog at

Friday, July 01, 2005

Pointless Tests to Keep Me Occupied

Yes, I take internet tests. There are days they are the only things that keep me sane.

I am nerdier than 98% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Rather disappointed by this one...

My computer geek score is greater than 84% of all people in the world! How do you compare? Click here to find out!

The Stupid Quiz said I am "Totally Smart!" How stupid are you? Click here to find out!

What is your weird quotient? Click to find out!

I am 47% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!

Predictions for the future....

Voila! My first blog. I have no reason to think anyone will find this interesting enough to read, but it will give me a place to vent while I'm at work. I work in technical support, so I listen to people complain all day about how they shouldn't have to plug in their phone line just to get onto the internet (yes, actual conversation), why they don't have a start button on the lower-right corner of their iMac (actual conversation), and how we should be helf financial liable for someone losing saved email when they formatted their harddrive (actual conversation). If you understood any of that, please have pity on me. If you didn't, move on, b/c you're not gonna get anything from this blog.

Most likely this will be a place for me rant about bizarre/surreal/jackass (can I say that here?) callers I get, since I can't actually tell paying customers to take a long walk off of a short pier. Other frequent topics of conversation will be comic books, World of Warcraft, events at my church, my girlfriend, trying to get by living with my parents still, and how all those things collide.

Again, not that you'll want to hear about it. But that's what I'll be talking about.

So get used to it or leave...